Receta Granny's Fudge

- Okay - this is from an old cookbook, and you probably should not try to make it unless you know how to cook fudge well. Of course, this is the only fudge I've ever made, and I get pretty good results. Obviously, variations can be made by adding chocolate or possibly liquid flavors.
- Place brown sugar in pot. Add in just sufficient top lowfat milk [WHAT is top lowfat milk - I used the heaviest cream I could find] to moisten. Stir with a wooden spoon while melting over low heat. Bring to a boil without stirring. When big bubbles form, test for soft ball stage in cool water. Remove. Add in blob of butter [dontcha just LOVE these exact measurements]. Cold 10 min. Add in a capful of vanilla and beat hard till a gloss appears and then goes. Pour into a greased pan. Put on the porch to cold.