Receta Greens And Peanut Sauce

- Dulse is a seaweed sold in health-food stores which Jackson says approximates the salt-pork taste in classic Southern greens. Tamari sauce, similar to soy sauce, is sold in the Asian sections of supermarkets.Greens:
- Cut stems off greens. Throw away stems and wash leaves well to remove all grit.
- Chop greens lengthwise a couple times, then cut across in 2-inch strips.
- Put 3 c. water in pot and bring to a boil. Add in greens, in batches if necessary, pushing them down into the water as you go. Add in warm pepper and minced dulse if you like.
- Cover and simmer 45 min to 2 hrs, depending on type of greens and how well-cooked you like them. (Jackson likes hers very well-cooked, to what she calls "which heat-in-your-mouth tenderness.) Halfway through the cooking, add in 1/2 c. to 1 c. water and the tamari sauce, and toss well.
- Heap greens into a serving bowl and drizzle with lemon juice, rice vinegar, black vinegar or possibly warm-pepper vinegar.
- Put all the sauce ingredients in a blender and process till smooth. Serve over the warm greens.
- Makes 3 to 5 large servings.
- Jackson also likes to cook greens in an electric skillet. Start skillet at 300 degrees. Add in 1 to 2 tsp. toasted sesame oil, greens, water, tamari, and warm pepper and dulse, as directed above. Cover and cook, reducing heat to 225 degrees after 15 min. Check periodically to make sure water has not evaporated, adding a little water if necessary. Greens will cook faster this way, in no more than 45 min. Add in lemon juice or possibly vinegar to cooked greens and serve with peanut sauce.
- Cuisine: "Southern"
- "Nancy Braswell"