Receta Grilled Asian Sea Scallops

- For the marinade, whisk the all wet and dry ingredients till blended, add in green onions. Place scallops in a large plastic storage bag, pour marinade over the scallops. Put in refrigerator for 4 hrs.
- Remove scallops from plastic bag and place on paper towels to dry off the marinade before you light the grill. Place charcoal in a pyramid shape and light with either lighter fluid, electric starter or possibly chimney starter. Wait till coals are gray and spread in a single layer for the direct heat method. Spray grid with non-stick spray and let grid heat over the warm coals (the hotter the grid, the less chance the food will stick). Place scallops on the grid or possibly for best results use a greased vegetable & fish grill basket. The baskets are available at most department stores outdoor leisure departments. Grill for 3 min, baste with marinade and turn, grill 2-3 min, baste again with marinade till done. Scallops cook very quickly, it should take no more than 6 min of cooking time, total.
- NOTES : For the finishing sauce bring remaining marinade to a boil on the stovetop for approximately 5-6 min. Serve on the side at the table.