Receta Grilled Lobster Tails With Avocado Whipped "Cream"

- For the Avocado Whipped "Cream": Process avocado, lime juice, onion, garlic, cumin and extra virgin olive oil in blender or possibly mini-food processor till pureed and ingredients are velvety smooth, scraping down sides several times, about 2 min in all. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Cover and chill. Sauce can be made in advance and refrigerated up to 1 day. Bring to room temperature before serving. (Makes sufficient for 4 servings)
- Prepare medium-warm fire in grill. Set grate 4 to 5 inches above glowing coals. Brush grate with oil just before grilling to help prevent sticking.
- Slide lower blade of poultry shears between flesh of tail and top shell of lobster tail. Keeping shears in middle of shell (there's a sort of channel), cut lengthwise down entire shell leaving about 1/2 inch of flipper uncut. As you cut, you'll be slicing into about 1/2 inch of flesh as well.
- Holding each side of tail with flesh-side facing you, gently but surely, snap sides away from you to butterfly it. (You may need to cut flesh a little more to butterfly it without tearing, but do not cut all the way through.) Small, uncut flipper section should stay together, making butterflied tail look like a beautifully marked wigwam. Now you have a flat side which's perfect for grilling. Repeat process for other tails.
- Rub flesh with oil and season with salt and pepper. Place tails over glowing coals, flesh-side down. They should lie perfectly flat. Grill till flesh is golden brown, 6 to 7 min. Turn tails over and grill second side till flesh is completely opaque, another 2 to 3 min.
- This recipe yields 4 servings.