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Receta Grilled Miso Pork Tenderloin; new report says diets don’t work
by Katie Zeller

Pork tenderloin is our favorite meat for grilling. It’s always moist and tender plus it’s the perfect size for two.

Miso is my new favorite ingredients for marinades, along the the mushroom soy sauce

Mushroom soy sauce is very dark, thick and not as salty as regular soy sauce. If you don’t have it, use slightly less regular soy sauce and a bit more brown sugar.

In case you missed the bulletin – pink is now best for pork.

Grilled Miso Pork Tenderloin

Total time: 40 minutes



Put all ingredients except pork into a bowl and mix well using a whisk.

Spread over pork and let rest for 10 – 20 minutes.

When ready, cook pork on barbecue for 25 – 30 minutes, depending on thickness, with cover partially closed.

Pork is done at 145 F (62C). It will be slightly pink in the center which is perfect. If you don’t have a thermometer (instant or remote read) check it after 20 minutes by slicing into middle for a peak. When done let it rest for 5 minutes, then cut 1″ (2.5cm) thick slices and serve.

Note: Could also be roasted about the same amount of time, 400F (200C).

Have you heard the news?

Diets don’t work.

And, if even they did work, we shouldn’t do it.

According to some researchers, losing weight does nothing for our health.

You can read the articles yourself, and the hundreds of others on the internet.

These are my thoughts…..

The first article says that only 5% of people who lose weight actually keep it off long term, and even those few have to work at it constantly and suffer for their efforts. They’re always hungry and always craving whatever they consider to be the forbidden foods.

Having lost weight 4 years ago and kept it off without feeling the least bit deprived, I assume I am one of the exceptional few. Yes, I am careful, but not everyday, all day….. I believe in moderation (and chocolate), not denial.

I also believe more people are successful than the 5% number implies.

The reason given for the near impossibility of maintaining weight loss is the weight ‘set-point’.

The explanation is that the body, not the mind, decides how much it should weigh. If it decides one should weight 175 pounds, then that is the set-point and it can’t easily be changed, if at all. One can lose weight, get down to 125 pounds, say, but eventually the body will encourage / force the return of the lost pounds. The author also says that if the same people overeat and gain weight the body will attempt to counter it, causing a return to the lower set-point.

What I thought was missing from the article (and maybe it’s in the book – of course, there’s a book…) is why do the majority of people seem to have set-points in the obese range? Why aren’t the set-points established at a lower weight? Why do they seem to climb with age? And why is the overall average set-point of the population increasing over time?

The concept, that diets don’t work so why bother, will obviously have a lot of appeal…..

But not nearly as much as the second article which says that there is no proof that losing weight has any healthy benefits at all. In fact, there are studies that show people with excess weight are actually healthier than thinner people.

That is going to make a lot of people happy…..

But is it true?

Is there really no correlation between the rise of obesity and the rise of Type 2 diabetes?

Is it all just coincidence?

Yes, I’m over-simplifying both articles.

But I did actually read them. A lot of people will stop at the headline and / or paragraph that says what they want to hear.

You all know I’m not a fan of diets. The industry is a multi-million dollar mobius strip – all one-sided.

But I don’t think that taking the opposite stance, that nothing works so why bother, is good for anyone either.

I just wish I knew the answer. (Then I could write a book and make billions.)

It would be nice if, sometime, someone would present all the facts, not just the ones that support their (current) position.

Last update on May 6, 2015

Grilled Miso Pork Tenderloin; new report says diets don’t work was last modified: May 6th, 2015 by Katie Zeller
