Receta Grilled Polenta With Sauteed Spinach And Ribiola

- Preheat grill or possibly broiler.
- In a medium sauce pan, bring 3 c. water to a boil. Add in polenta in a thin stream, stirring constantly. When polenta is all added, lower heat to simmer. Season with salt and cook 5 to 7 min till the consistency of thick oatmeal. Pour polenta into clean ungreased 8- by 10-inch brownie pan and allow to cold one half hour. When cold, cut into 8 wedges and remove from pan. Brush all the pcs with 1 Tbsp. of the virgin extra virgin olive oil and set over grill and cook till slightly charred and crispy (about 10 min).
- Meanwhile, heat remaining 2 Tbsp. virgin extra virgin olive oil in a 12- to 14-inch skillet. Add in garlic and cook 45 seconds to 1 minute till light brown. Add in all the spinach at once and cook quickly (about 30 seconds) till just wilted. Season with salt and pepper and set aside.
- Remove polenta from grill and spread 1/2 oz robiola cheese over each warm piece. Spoon some hot spinach on top of each piece of polenta and serve.
- This recipe yields 4 servings.