Receta Halloween Candy Centerpiece

- Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Grease a 1-1/2 qt ovenproof bowl. Prepare lb. cake mix according to package directions and pour batter into prepared bowl. Bake in center of oven till a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean, 50-60 min. Cold on wire rack for 10 min.
- Invert cake onto wire rack and cold completely.
- To make the eyes, attach the peanut butter c. to the cookies with a dab of vanilla frosting. Top which with some more frosting and the peppermint patties. For the pupils, attach the orange Reese's Pcs with the vanilla frosting. Cut six 1-inch pcs of the Twizzler Pull-N-Peel grape candies and attach with the frosting as the eyelashes. Allow eyes to set for 15 min to secure candy.
- Transfer cake, rounded side up to serving platter. Frost entire cake with the chocolate frosting. Press the Nuggets around the base of the cake.
- Press the eyes about 1-1/2 inches up from the Nuggets. Attach the miniature Reese's peanut butter c. as the nose and use the one 4 inch strawberry Twizzler Pull-N-Peel as the mouth. Press the Rolos into the top of the cake into a diamond shape and fill in the remaining space with Kisses.
- Using a small amount of frosting, attach the yellow Reese's Pcs on top of the Rolos. To make the legs, press the Twizzler Pull-N-Peel grape candies into the base and then press the cut end of the Mounds at the ends of the Pull-N-Peel legs.