Esta es una exhibición prevé de cómo se va ver la receta de 'Ham Glaze' imprimido.

Receta Ham Glaze
by Christine Lamb

You won’t locate it

in the Bible; many cherished Easter traditions have been around for centuries.

The most prominent symbol of the Christian holiday, Easter bunny was introduced

to America by the German immigrants who brought their stories of an egg laying



decoration of eggs is believed to date back to at least the 13th century, while

the rite of the Easter parade has even older roots. Other traditions, consumption

of Easter candy, are among the modern additions to the celebration of this

early springtime holiday.

Nowhere in

the Bible that mention the Easter bunny. But, the Easter bunny has become a

symbol of Christianity’s most important holiday.

The largest

Easter egg ever made was over 25 feet high and weighed over 8.000 pounds.


eggs for Easter is a tradition that dates back to at least the 13th century,

according to some sources. One explanation for this custom is that eggs were

formerly a forbidden food during the Lenten season, so people would paint and

decorate them to mark the end of the period of penance and fasting, and then

eat them on Easter as a celebration.

Easter egg

hunts and egg rolling are two popular egg traditions. In the America, the White

House Easter Egg Roll, a race in which children push decorated, hard boiled

eggs across the White House lawn, is an annual event held the Monday after

Easter. The first official White House egg roll occurred in 1878, when Rutherford

B. Hayes was president. The event has no religious significance, although some

people have considered egg rolling symbolic of the stone blocking Jesus’ tomb

being rolled away, leading to his resurrection.

Do you have

your Easter menu planned yet? Grab that ham and make this delicious ham glaze.

Ham Glaze


2014, Christine’s Pantry. All rights reserved.



In a small

bowl, whisk all ingredients until well blended.

Brush glaze

over ham the last 45 minutes cooking. Enjoy!

Note: You can

use this Ham Glaze on ham steaks. Delicious!