Receta Hankering for Hawaii Part I: Taro and Sweet Potato Chips Fried to Order
Taro and sweet potato chips fried to order for you.
OAHU, HAWAII — If you’ve spent any time snacking in Hawaii, you’re only too familiar with those ubiquitous bags of taro and sweet potato chips by Hawaiian Chip Company.
They’re irresistible — big, crunchy slices of speckled taro, orange sweet potato and deep purple sweet potato fried up crisp with the taste of their natural root veggie sweetness shining through.
They’re everywhere on the islands — stocked in ABC Stores, Costco, Wal-Mart and Long’s Drugs.
They’re so beloved that whenever we travel to Hawaii, my husband’s sister always pleads for us to tote back a few bags to California for her, since you can’t get them outside of the islands unless you mail-order…