Receta Healthy And Inexpensive Snack Ideas For Kids

- Quarter the apple, then cut each quarter in half to make two thin slices for each "smile."
- Spread peanut butter on one side of each slide. Line up miniature marshmallows in a row on the peanut-butter side of one slice and top with the matching slice, peanut butter down.
- Makes: 4 tootly smile snacks.
- Have your children string cheerios, small pretzels, candies with holes in the center and licorice cut into one-inch pcs on a length of dental floss. This is also a good birthday-party activity and favor!
- Notes: As every parent knows, there are a lot of expensive snack foods on the market these days. How can you make nutritious, less expensive snacks which your kids will eat Donna Erickson, a creative-parenting expert and mother of three, offers several fix-quick snacks for little munchers: