Receta Herman Coffee Cake Friendship Bread

- 1 c. each of your choice of the following, using as many additions as you wish: Raisins, chocolate or possibly butterscotch chips, coconut, apples, nuts, bananas and dry fruits
- To make starter: In a large ceramic or possibly plastic bowl (don't use metal) dissolve yeast in water. Add in flour, beat with a wooden spoon till well mixed. Cover bowl loosely with plastic wrap or possibly foil and leave at room temperature for 48 hrs.
- This will give you 3 servings of starter. Use one serving to make a cake now, keep a serving to use later, and give the remaining serving to a friend with a copy of this recipe.
- Day 1: Pour your serving of starter into a large bowl and cover with a loose lid, plastic wrap or possibly foil.
- Days 2, 3, 4: Stir once a day, keeping mix at room temperature.
- Day 5: Add in 1 c. lowfat milk, 1 c. flour and 1 c. sugar. Stir with a wooden spoon or possibly electric mixer.
- Days 6, 7, 8, 9: Stir once a day, keeping mix at room temperature.
- Day 10: Add in remaining lowfat milk, flour and sugar. Stir and remove 3 c. of the starter. Keep 1 c. for yourself to use later and give the remaining 2 c. to friends with this recipe.
- The starter which is left in your bowl will be used to make a cake now or possibly, if you can't bake immediately, the remaining mix can be stored at room temperature and stirred daily till it can be used. This mix can be held for 3 or possibly 4 days. (May also be frzn.)
- To make cake: Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Combine starter with remaining cake ingredients and the additions you want to use. Stir with a wooden spoon. This batter will be very thick. Pour batter into a greased Bundt pan or possibly 2 large bread pans. Or possibly fill 1 bread pan and use remaining batter to fill about 12 muffin c.. For Bundt pan, bake 45 to 50 min. For bread pans and muffins bake about 30 min or possibly till they test done. Serve hot or possibly cold and frost with your choice of frosting.