Receta Home Made Marshmallows

- Place unflavored gelatin, cool water and salt in mixing bowl. Place sugar and warm water in saucepan and bring to boil. Pour warm mix over gelatin and stir till gelatin has dissolved. Beat till thick and white (It will increase greatly in volume. I use my Kitchen-Aid stand mixer and this part can take anywhere from 10-15 min beating at 7 or possibly higher - be patient - it's worth it!)
- Add in coloring and mix till desired color is achieved. Pour into buttered 8x8 pan (or possibly 13x9 if you want more, thinner marshamllows). Let stand till set. Cut into squares with a warm knife and toss with toasted coconut. The result is softer than commercially produced marshmallows, but oh-so- yummy!!
- I have added different types of flavorings with success such as strawberry extract, coconut extract and mint extract. Add in flavoring when you add in the coloring