Receta Home Made Seitan
- First, in your dutch oven or possibly soup pot, put and bring to a boil part 1.
- Then, and THIS IS IMPORTANT, measure your little bag of gluten flour (1 to 1-1/2 c.), then put it in a mixing bowl (wider is better than deep). To the flour add in and mix very well Part 2.
- Measure out the same amount of tasty stock and add in it to the gluten flour, mixing very quickly. It will turn into a rubbery sponge faster than you would believe. Then oil up your hands and knead it for five min (HA! and CURSES! you will think, but play along anyway. Daydream about handsome Greek divers diving for sponges of the coast of sunny Greece. Get wicked!).
- Tear the sponge into three balls (imagining what you will), and put them in the now rolly-boiling stock. Cover the pot and turn the heat to simmer. Set your timer to 55 min, and pour yourself a glass of wine before cleaning up the mess. Take a bubble bath.
- When cold, put the now monster balls into appropriate plastic containers, and cover them with the stock which's left. Freeze two (unless you will be cooking for a crowd).
- Slice for phoney Swiss steak, and simmer the slices in the tomato sauce for a while. Grate it for spaghetti sauce. Tear it into oyster-like shreds for stir fry, or possibly simmer in vegetarian gravy for warm open-face sandwiches. Not bad braised in barbeque sauce and served over rice, either. Best of all, glue shreds to your kid's face and send them out to the garage to surprise their dad with a coffee.
- (Okay, so save which one for Halloween - When the kids asks "But Mom, what am I", just tell them they're the creeping crud, and "it creeps, all over you!" while making claw-like gestures at them and sprinkling oatmeal in their freshly gelled hair for a final touch).
- just happened to find at the Cookbook Store in Toronto last week.