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Receta Honey Nougat Recipe
by Tandy Sinclair

I wanted to call this naked nougat but can you imagine how the search engines would rank that? My experiment with sugar free nougat did not start off very well. I thought it would be easy to find rice paper, but I was wrong. I went to 3 different shops and could not find any. Had I planned this better I would not have been looking for rice paper on the Saturday before we left for overseas. We have two baking supply shops close to where I work and I am sure that one of them stocks rice paper. But I did not go to either place as I thought that Pick N Pay would have it and so I just added rice paper to my regular shopping list. My second disaster came about when I used the thermometer to make the nougat. Attempting to get the honey to a temperature of 121°Celsius resulted in a toffee like substance. I poured this toffee into one of my disposable baking tins, together with the 175g of toasted pistachios and hazelnuts, and decided only after I had done this to actually taste the toffee. It was burnt! And what a waste. Not having any nuts to use, and no rice paper and no working thermometer – turns out my thermometer is not correctly calibrated, I made a second batch of nougat. The trick without using a thermometer is to get it to the hard ball stage using a bowl of water. I did not take it far enough, so my nougat is a bit sticky – but it tastes great, which is really what matters. The nougat that you see here is naked – it has no filling and no covering, and will be used to make a nougat ice cream soon. I will try this again as now that I know what to look for in the process, and now that I am ordering a new sugar thermometer, it should be easy! Thank you Teresa for setting a really great challenge for us this month.


Preheat the oven to 40°Celsius

Place the nuts onto a baking sheet and keep in the oven until needed

Place the honey into a sauce pan

Bring to the boil over a medium heat

Remove from the heat and stir until slightly cooled

Whisk the egg white until stiff

Stir into the honey

Return to a medium heat and stir until the nougat reaches the hard ball stage – making sure to not allow it to colour

Remove from the heat and mix in the nuts

Place a sheet of rice paper into a baking tin

Pour the nougat over the rice paper

Smooth out and place a sheet of rice paper over the top of the nougat

Allow to set before cutting


Recipe from Lavender & Lime Blog ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

For more nougat recipes:

Cupcakes & Couscous

What I blogged:


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About Tandy Sinclair

I am a foodie who is passionate about regional and seasonal produce. I live in a cottage by the sea with my husband, our three dogs, a tortoise and a fish. We are busy building a house which is an adventure all in itself. Each year we visit a new place to experience the food of the area.