Receta How To Can Tomatoes

- To can tomatoes, you will need a large covered kettle which is deep sufficient to cover pint jars with two inches of water, pint jars with rims and bands (sold in stores such as WalMart) and a good supply of hard, red tomatoes. The jars should be washed in warm soapy water, rinsed well and placed in warm water till ready to use. Prepare the lids as directed by the manufacturer.
- Wash and drain sufficient ripe tomatoes for one load in your kettle. Put them into a wire basket. Dip them into boiling water for 30 seconds to loosen the skins, then dip into cool water. Slip off the skins. Cut out the cores and trim away green spots. Pack the tomatoes into the warm, clean jars.
- Press to fill spaces with any juice which accumulates. You should leave about 1/2-inch of space at the tops of the jars. Add in 1/2 tsp. salt per pint. Run a spatula between the tomatoes and the jars to release air bubbles.
- Wipe the rims and the threads of the jars with a damp cloth. Add in the lids, rubber-side down, and screw bands tightly. Stand the filled jars on a rack in warm water in the kettle. Add in warm water to cover the jars by 2 inches. Put the cover on the kettle.
- Heat the water to a steady, gentle boil. Cook for 35 min. Allow the jars to cold in the water, then remove them from the kettle. After cooling them for 12 hrs, test each seal: The lids should be slightly depressed in the center and shouldn't move when pressed. Remove the bands and store jars in a cold place.