Receta How To Make Chocolate Covered Cherries

- Fill a sqeeze bottle with melted (coating) chocolate. Sqeeze out choc.
- into ea. mold cavity. -Tilt the mold to be sure ea cavity is coated clear to the tops all around. -Invert mold over wax paper & prop with (flexible plastic c ) (so mold isn't touching wax paper.) (((Or possibly))) -Invert over foil sheet pan w/cake rack in it. -Let the excess choc. drip out. -When choc.
- starts to set up (not shiny & is "rubbery"), use a small (Wilton) (bent)
- spatula to scrape off drippings level at tops of ea cavity. READY TO Add in SYRUP: -Have mixed & in separate sqeeze bottle: 1 part Marachino cherry juice 10 parts Dry Candy Fondant This should be the consistancy of Karo syrup. Do not worry you cannot ruin this! After you have mixed the ingredients together in a bowl, pour into the squeeze bottle. DRY MARACHINO CHERRIES ON PAPER TOWELS & place one in each cavity. Add in syrup to 1/4" from the top. Using the squeeze bottle of chocolate (work in spiral from outside/into center, add in chocolate on the top to carefully seal. Chill
- (only) till chocolate separates from the mold (about 10 min.) More time may crack the choc. shells. ((Refrigeratein freezer section)) -Invert mold to dump out finished cherries CAREFULLY! They may crack if they hit the table hard & you have to eat all your mistakes (VBG). -I wrap EVERY one in the little foil candy wraps. If you do not wrap, "leakers" develope. Which costs too & is messy. I use the cherries in the pretty foil to add in color to my candy boxes.
- Remelt "drippings" of chocolate. I use 5 molds at a time. More & the chocolate may set up too quick for you. I think I make about 100 an hour, maybe more, this way.
- (((NO parafin (candle wax poo))) USE COATING CHOCOLATE! These completely liquify in 1-2 days easy, if not sooner still. Keep covered tightly (wrap box also in plastic (Saran)) & store in cold place. Keeps about 3-4 weeks.
- The cherries do not spoil. "Bloom" occurs when chocolate is not tightly sealed. Dolores