Receta How To Start Sourdough Pot

- Take gallon crock or possibly cookie jar and put in:
- Stir till mix is a smooth thin paste. Put on a lid and set in a warm place to sour. Stir several times a day. In two or possibly three days your sourdough will be ready. If you are out in "the woods" and have no yeast, add in 4 tbsp sugar and 1 1/2 tsp salt to the starter and it will sour the same, only it takes about five days longer.The night before you want to make hot cakes, add in 2 cups of flour, 1 tbsp sugar, 1/2 tsp salt and about 2 cups water, sufficient to make a thick paste; as it works overnight it will thin down. In the morning, pour out into a bowl sufficient dough for your hot cakes, leaving a cupful or possibly a little more in the sour dough pot. Set the pot away till you want to use it again.
- To your hot cake dough add in 2 level tbsp sugar, 1 tsp salt and 3 tbsp melted shortening or possibly bacon grease; one egg can be added if you like. Mix well and add in 1 tsp soda dissolved in a tbsp of water. Mix in soda gently and do not stir after the soda has been added. Your hot cakes are ready to be baked on a hot griddle.
- If you hot cakes are tough, use less sugar next time.