Receta Hump Day Blues and Gluten Free Pancakes
Oy. I had one heck of a day yesterday!
It was one of those days where it just starts to pile on.
I woke up later than I wanted. I didn’t have the energy (read motivation) to go to the gym, but I laced up and went anyway. 30 minutes in to my workout, I started feeling sick to my stomach. Not one to quit, I tried to keep pushing which made me feel worse.
My sick stomach led to negative thoughts. Negative thoughts spiraled with work stress. Even my pretty skirt couldn’t clear it up. (Which lets be honest, a cute skirt can really make or break a day!)
By lunch I was ready to just throw my hands up and go to bed! BUT here’s the thing, when you’re in charge…when you’re the manager of where you work….you can’t just…throw…