Receta I adore avocados!
I adore avocados!
Anyway today I have to get the rest of the things I need to make stuffed mushrooms, peppers and stuffing for Thanksgiving at my mom’s Thursday. I have to make 2 loaves of bread so I can use that to make the stuffing. Now I just have to remember to do all of that.
As I was making my salad last night I was thinking to myself how much I love avocados. I use 1/4 of one in my salad and it really adds to the taste of the salad (not to mention keeps me full!)
I love them in wraps, salads, and how can you forget guacamole? And did you know that it is nutritionally beneficial to have a half a cup of avocado? Has anyone ever told you that avocados are high in fat, so you shouldn’t eat them? Well, you better tell them they are wrong! Avocado, yes, has 11 grams of fat (per half cup) but it is heart healthy fat. It is full of potassium, heart healthy fats, antioxidants AND FIBER! The good fats in avocados will help your body absorb vital vitamins A,E,D and K. It also keeps you hair, skin, and nails beautiful! Not to mention the fiber helps keep you fuller for longer and may help you avoid those chips you otherwise might be tempted to indulge in!
good choices,
- good fat,
- heart health