Receta Ice Cream In Brandy Snap Baskets

- Heat the butter, sugar and corn syrup in a small saucepan over a low heat, then stir in the flour, grnd ginger and brandy.
- Place teaspoonfuls of this mix well apart on greased baking sheets and bake them for 8 min in a preheated 350 oven.
- Remove them from the oven, let them cold slightly; then loosen them with a spatula. Working quickly so which they don't harden, shape each one around an orange to create a basket. If any harden too quickly before forming, reheat slightly then rework.
- Have the ice creams ready, in small scoops if possible.
- Place spoonfuls of Melba Sauce on 6 dessert plates.
- Put a spoonful of lightly whipped cream on top and draw a knife through to create wheel spokes. Put the brandy snap baskets on top of the sauce, fill with ice cream and de- corate with fresh fruits.