Receta If You Can't Dine At Downton Abbey, Bring A Little Downton Abbey Home With Canton Sorbet.
I grew up as far away from Downton Abbey as one can get. I was raised in a working class row house, with three generations and one bathroom. As I said, not exactly Downton Abbey. My dad was the child of immigrants and English was not his first language. My mother's family came to this country after the French Revolution. Evidently they didn't like how things were going for them over there so they decamped to New Orleans. She grew up quite differently. From her I learned that one wears only three pieces of jewelry at a time, white or bone shoes are only worn after Memorial day and up until Labor Day. No patent leather if you are not a child. A lady always wears gloves and hats and a lot of other useless information that didn't go…
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