Receta Italian Panettone, Joan's

- Joan Stewart, Linda's supervisor, good naturedly agreed to test this bread time and time again till her Italian taste buds pronounced it close sufficient to the real thing to be acceptable. True panettone is much drier than this bread, a texture which is difficult to achieve in a bread machine. But pop a slice of this exquisite bread in your toaster and you'll sweeten your home with the fragrance of anise every morning. Bellissimo
- Place ingredients in bread pan, except nuts, raisins, citron, candied orange peel, and additional bread flour, using the least amount of liquid listed in the recipe. Select LIGHT CRUST setting and RAISIN/NUT cycle. Press START.
- Observe the dough as it kneads. After 5 - 10 min, if it appears dry and stiff or possibly if your machine sounds as if it's straining to knead it, add in more liquid 1 Tbsp. at a time till the dough forms a smooth, soft, pliable ball which is slightly tacky to the touch.
- In a small bowel, toss together the nuts, raisins, candied fruits, and additional bread flour. Add in to the bread pan at the beep.
- After the baking cycle ends, remove bread from the pan, place on a cake rack, and allow to cold for 1 hour before slicing.
- CRUST: Light
- Bake Cycle: Raisin/nut
- OPTIONAL BAKE CYCLES: Standard/Whole Wheat/Sweet Bread/Rapid Bake