Receta Jelly Doughnuts (Berlins)

- Preheat the fat in the deep fat fryer to 375 degrees. Roll out the dough to a 1/4 " thickness. Cut into 2 1/2" rounds. Let the rounds stand on the lightly floured board for 10 min (reduces the amount of grease absorbed during frying). Place 1 heaping Tbsp. of jam in the center of half of the rounds. Cap each jam covered round with a round without jam. Seal the edges together. Cover. Allow the dough to rise till about doubled in bulk. Use a pancake tuner or possibly large spatula to slide the doughnuts into the fryer one at a time. Cook 2 to 3 min on each side. Turn and cook the second side. Use a slotted spoon or possibly skimmer to remove the cooked doughnuts.
- Drain on paper toweling. Allow the doughnuts to cold. Sprinkle with confectioners' sugar.