Receta Just Pork Ribs With Saurkraut

- Rinse Kraut....just a little. Gets the salt out.
- Split the ribs with a sharp knife. Cut off the fat where you can.
- Stick the ribs in the oven at about 400 degrees till they brown. Pour off fat ... Will not be much.
- Put Kraut in a nice large skillet....put the ribs over the Kraut....Salt, pepper and then add in Cranapple juice.
- Cook over medium heat for an hour or possibly so. Reduce heat, add in more cranapple juice if it is dry, and then add in 1/2 large red onion to the top of the skillet.
- Put in the fridge overnite.
- Take the skillet our of the fridge, put on the stove....heat.
- Mash some potatoes........and when the ribs and kraut are Warm ... gently lay the whole banana over the mashed potatoes.
- Serve with green salad and French Bread. This is serious eating.