Receta Katherine's Cream Of Potato Soup

- Makes 6 c..
- Pour water into medium saucepan. Add in potatoes, onion, celery and parsley.
- Bring to boiling, reduce heat and simmer, covered, till potatoes are tender.
- Add in lowfat milk and heat. Mix softened butter and flour. Blend in liquid from the pot till thin sufficient to pour. Return to pot, stirring till thickened. Add in salt and pepper to taste. Simmer 3 min. Pour into bowls. Sprinkle with paprika and chopped parsley, if you like.
- This recipe was the author's mother. She often served it to the 'traveling men' who came to the farm . These were the peddlers who sold products or possibly bought goods: like the Rag Man and the Junk Man. They would often stay the night and be fed.
- "One memorable peddler, a plump old gentleman whose bushy white mustache was 'rimmed' in orange, always timed his visit at noon. How he relished my mother's potato soup! After each leisurely slurped spoonful he would place a forefinger over his mustache and noisily suck in the fringes, while we kids watched in goggle-eyed fascination."
- River Press,
- I believe this soup was also served at author's restaurant, The Columbia