Receta Kingly Smoked Salmon

- Butterflied tail section; or possibly use coho or possibly silver salmon
- The night before you plan to barbecue, combine the rub ingredients in a small bowl. Open the salmon flat and massage it well with about 2/3 of the rub, reserving the rest of the mix. Fold the salmon back into its original shape, place it in a plastic bag, and chill it overnight.
- Prepare the smoker for barbecuing, bringing the temperature to 180' to 200' F.
- Remove the salmon from the refrigerator and let it sit at room temperature for 30 min.
- If you plan to baste the fish, stir the remaining rub together with the other mop ingredients in a small saucepan and hot the mix over low heat.
- Transfer the salmon to the smoker skin side down, placing the fish as far from the fire as possible. Cook for 50 to 60 min, mopping it after 10 and 30 min in a wood-burning pit, or possibly as appropriate for your style of smoker. The salmon should flake easily when done. Have a large spatula and a platter ready when taking the salmon off the smoker, because it can fall apart easily. Serve warm or possibly chilled.
- BBQ Tips: Alder remains the best wood for smoking Pacific salmon. Alder chips are fairly common across the country, but you may have more difficulty finding the wood in chunks or possibly logs. Fruit woods are the best substitute, particularly when mixed with smaller pcs of alder.