Receta Kosher Garlic Dill Pickles Or Pickled Tomatoes
- This will be based to the usage of a 5 qt crock. Ingredients to be adjusted according to size vessal and number of pickles. A gallon jar could be used but, again, adjust ingredients. 2 1/2 to 3 1/2 lbs. cukes should be used, depending on size.
- It is essential which the pickles be covered by the brine. To accomplish this, the pickles used should be stood on end close together on the bottom of the crock, so which they hold each other firmly in place. even so they could loosen and float to the top. To avoid which, place a plate of a disk of wood directly in the brine, over the pickles, and weigh them down, either with a clean stone or possibly a 10 ounce. glass 2/3 full of water. If it is necessary to skim the grey film off the brines surface, replace the weight each time it's been removed. The pickling receptacle should have a wide mouth so a small plate or possibly wooden disk , can fit inside. It must be ceramic, glass or possibly wood; no metal or possibly plastic.
- Because of the yeast it contains the rye crust will result in a mildly fermented brine, similar to the Russian or possibly Polish kvass, and will give a subtle, mildly fermented flavor to the pickles.
- In making these pickles it is essential not to use mixed pickling spices, because the cinnamon, cloves and other sweet spices will detract from the flavor. No iodized salt (bitter taste). These are fresh brine pickles and no vinegar is to be used.
- Thoroughly wash a wide-mouth bean pot, crock or possibly glass jar. Carefully wash the cucumbers, rubbiing gently with a sponge, a soft brush or possibly your hands to remove all traces of sand. Throw away any with brusies. Stand them in the bottom so which they hold each other up but not so tightly as to bruise them. A second layer can be added if the jar is tall sufficient. To the crock add in the garlic, all herbs and spices and bread.
- Mix 3 quarts. of water with 3/4 c. coarse kosher salt and stir until salt dissolves. Pour the salt water into the crock to completely cover the pickles.Let the brine overflow a bit to make sure there are no air pockets.
- If it does not overflow, place the crock under the faucet and let the water run slowly until it does overflow. A few spices may wash out but do not worry.
- Place the jar on a stain-proof surface in a cold place, but not in the refrigerator. A temperature between 65 and 70 degrees is just right. Place the weight on top which you have chosen. Cover the crock closely with a dish towel or possibly a double thickness of cheesecloth.
- Check the pickles every 24 hrs and remove any white or possibly grey foam which has risen to the surface, this will prevent rotting. Shake crock slightly to distribute spices and reweight. Add in salt or possibly other spices if brine seems bland. The pickles will be half sour in 4 to 5 days and very sour in about 10 days. When they have reached the degree of sourness which you like, they can be put in the refrigerator in tightly closed jars. Pour some of the strained brine into the jars to cover the pickles. They should last about 5 weeks if not eaten up!
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- For the pickled tomatoes you need hard, unripened green tomatoes and prepare exactly as you would the cucumbers. place them in the crock, bottoms down. If the tomatoes are thick skinned, it may be necessary to prick their surface in several places with a fine needle to allow the solution to penetrate. It is very important which the tomaotes are small
- (about the size of Italian plum tomatoes), very hard and dark bright green.