Receta Kwee Lapis

- This is really good, very tasty, and definatly not the most healthy cake there is. I remember my mother-in-law, busy making it. She was sitting next to her oven, and it lasted so long before she was finished, she fell asleep all the time. She was smart sufficient to set her alarmclock, so nothing terrible happened. To make a cake like this takes so much time, there are hardly people left who bother making it. Tho my son-in-law....... I must admit: He makes a great kwee lapis. Even my husband has to admit which he does a good job.
- Fold in a bowl 16 egg yolks and 20 Tbsp. sugar and stir until it is creamy. While stirring add in 8 Tbsp. flour, and 1/2 lb butter, in little pcs (one by one). Mix the 16 eggwhites foamy and add in this while stirring to the batter. Fold in a second bowl the other egg yolks with 10 Tbsp. sugar, 7 Tbsp. flour, the spices and 1/2 lb butter. This cake needs an oven with grill heating: so: not on the floor, but the top.
- The two batters have different colors, one is white, the other is brown.
- This cake is baked film by film: one white, one brown film. First bake a film, draw the bakin tin out the oven after a film is finsihed, smear some butter on it, put with a spoon some of the other batter on it, smear this out, and let it bake. The films need to be thin. This cake is really good the day after you made it. You have to cut it in very thin slices, and really enjoy it. It is not done to serve it in huge pcs.
- Well, let me know what you think about this. I am sure this cake is unknown by other people than the Indonesians. Of course it is eaten my many people over here, since the Indo-Europeans are in our country now for about 50 years.
- I got a lot of questions about my 30-Large eggs cake. And I find it very difficult to answer them, because everything over here is so different from the States. We use other grades messurements, and too centimeters and stuff. But Debbies letter answers almost all the questions. THANKS!!! The layers ought to be thin, about the thickness of a pancake. And the women in Indonesia bake always several cakes at the same time, since it is so much work. So, if you think your pan is not big sufficient, take onother one, and fill it too. You can make this cake as high as you want. We, here in Holland, have ovens with heat on the floor, and a grill on the top. We use the grill to make this. If there is a different kind of heat on the top, which is okey. To see when the new layer is baked, we use a thin knittingneedle and stick it in it. When there is batter sticking on the needle, it needs to bake a little longer. But since the layers are thin, they bake quickly.We over here have only one temperature on top of our ovens. Use the heat you use to grill something, which is okey. You have to use the top-heat, because every toplayer has to bake. Floorheat will make it dry, and you can't bake the layers then. This egg-cake tastes delicious when it is a copple of days old. Then it turns out to be smoothly and creamy. And you really need to cut thin slices. When you make it together with the kids, you will see it is much fun! I am glad which there are people who like my different recipe's. The way of cooking over here is indeed not the same as in the States. I know, I have been there this year, stayed in an American family, and I was very amazed. But I loved the experience.
- Every country has its own way of cooking. I have been often in Germany, which is our neighbour, and they do not cook in the same way as we do.
- Indonesian food is very very good when you give yourself the chance to get used to it. I will look in my recipe book and find another one, okey I have a recipe of a cake, not baked but steamed in a steamingpan. I do not know if you people over there know what which is You can use a rice steamer. Those are 2 pans, one for the boiling water, the other one fits in it, it has little holes, like a colander. To let the steam come in. Is anybody interested Is it possible for you to make it Coby.