Receta Lamb chops with Baked Potatoes and Brussels Sprouts for IHCC

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Lamb chops with Baked Potatoes and Brussels Sprouts for IHCC By Eliot, on January 6th, 2019 The very first theme of 2019 for I Heart Cooking Clubs is A NEW START!  Shouldn’t we all be  getting more veggies into our diet, taking our lunch to work, baking our own bread.   We were challenged this week to make any Ruth Reichl recipe to celebrate a new start in the This recipe doesn’t necessarily mark a new start for us at EE (except for the fact that this is exactly the second time I’ve ever cooked lamb).  Instead, it is a turning point for Reichl.  “Quick, Easy Do-Ahead Dinner for Two People:  A Ten-Minute Meal” is the very last recipe in My Kitchen Year.    She Remembering how miserable I’d been at this time the year before,…
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