Esta es una exhibición prevé de cómo se va ver la receta de 'Large Tsukune' imprimido.

Receta Large Tsukune
by Robert-Gilles Martineau

Large Tsukune

Another simple recipe for this popular Japanese Yakitori!

Calificación: 4/5
Avg. 4/5 1 voto
Tiempo de Prep: Japon Japanese
Tiempo para Cocinar: Raciónes: 3

Wine and Drink Pairings: beer


  • Minced Chicken (breast or thigh): 250 g
  • Leek, lon and thin type: 1
  • Fresh ginger, grated, to taste
  • Soy sauce: 1 tablespoon
  • Salt and pepper: a little to taste
  • Cornstarch: 1 tablespoon
  • Sesame oil: a little to taste
  • Yama Imo/Japanese glutinous yam, grated: 2 tablespoons
  • Tare/Sauce
  • Soy sauce: 2 tablespoons
  • Mirin/sweet sake: 2 tablespoons
  • Water: 1 teaspoon
  • Seven spices, to taste
  • Decoration/presentation:
  • Kaiwaredaikon/Daikon sprouts: to taste
  • White sesame seeds: to taste
  • Grated fresh daikon: to taste


  1. Chop leek finely. Grate the ginger. Grate the yama imo.
  2. In a large bowl drop the the minced chicken, soy sauce, salt & pepper, seame oil and mix quickly by hand.
  3. Add leek, ginger, yama imo and the cornstarch. Mix well. Let the mixture rest in the fridge for 30 minutes.
  4. During that time prepare the kaiwaredaikon, freshly grated daikon and sesame sesame seeds.
  5. Prepare the tare/sauce ingredients.
  6. Fry the tsukune/patties after having shaped them into 3 or 4 equal sized circles with salad oil on both sides over a medium fire until they are a light brown.
  7. Add 2 tablespoons of water, cover with lid and steam/simmer for a while. Check if tsukune are well cooked with a thin wooden stick.
  8. Add the tare/sauce ingredients and cook until the tare has “caramelized”.
  9. Serve on a plate with kaiware daikon, grated fresh daikon and white seasme seeds for the final touch.
  10. NOTE:
  11. Do not fry tsukune over a strong fire or they will get hard.