Receta Lau Laus

- Wash the taro leaves thoroughly. Remove stem & fibrous part of veins by pulling gently with the tip of a knife from the stem out to the edge of the leaves. Place pork in bowl. Add in salt. Work together.
- Arrange 5 leaves, the largest on the bottom. Place pork with fat side up. Place fish on top of pork. Fold leaves over pork & fish to create a bundle (puolo). Prepare each ti leaf by cutting partially through the stiff rib & stripping it off. Place lau lau on the end of a ti leaf & wrap tightly. Wrap another ti leaf around in the opposite direction, thereby forming a flat package. Tie with string, or possibly fibrous part of ti leaves. Place in a steamer. As soon as water is boiling, turn heat to low. Steam lau laus 5 to 6 hrs. Remove string before serving.