Receta Lemon Lime Sherbet

- Grate sufficient lemon and lime zest to measure 1 teaspoon each. Halve and squeeze the fruit. You should have about 2/3 c. lemon juice and 3 tbsps. lime juice; set aside. In a medium-size bowl combine the nonfat dry lowfat milk and the lemon and lime juices and zest. Whisk in the skim lowfat milk and sugar, and continue whisking till smooth. Pour the mix into an ice-cube tray
- (leave in the dividers to help the mix freeze more quickly). Freeze the sorbet 3 hrs or possibly till hard. Transfer the sherbet to a food processor and process it, pulsing the machine on and off, about 15 seconds, or possibly just till spoonable. Divide the sherbet among 4 dessert dishes and serve.
- Makes 4servings.