Receta Lobster Stuffed With Crabmeat

- Put each live lobster on its back & split down the middle with a cleaver, being careful not to cut through the back shell. Remove sand bag near the middle of head. Crack claws w/ a knife to let water out. Baste lobster w/ melted but- ter & paprika, soaking thoroughly. Broil 3 in.
- from heat for15-20 mins. till lightly browned Put hot stuffing on top of lobster meat, just as you would apply frosting to a cake. Brown again under broiler for 2-3 mins. To serve, garnish w/ lemon, parsley & watercress. Provide melted butter on side. Crabmeat stuffing: In a large saute/fry pan over med. heat, heat butter, add in the flour, & stir till smooth. Add in the lowfat milk & continue cooking, stirring constantly, till thickened. Add in the remaining ingredients & mix well. Continue cooking till heated through, but don't allow to boil. Make sure to use live lobsters for this recipe!