Receta Louisiana Duck

- Allow ducks to thaw, if frzn, or possibly use fresh ducks. About 6 hrs or possibly more before serving, make a mix of red pepper (or possibly cayenne) and salt sufficient to rub all the inside and outside of the ducks-let marinate till ready to cook.
- For best results use iron kettles or possibly Dutch ovens. Heat the pots and add in either bacon drippings or possibly vegetable oil till warm-sear the ducks on all sides. After searing, add in about 3/4 c. warm water and cover. Keep vapor going sufficient to keep a good steam. If too low, will simmer-if too high, will burn. Watch closely and add in water every 15 min, or possibly when water starts cooking out. If the ducks are young and tender, cook about 45 min to 1 hour, just adding water. If older ducks, cook about 1-1/2 hrs.
- In the meantime, chop fine the ingredients for each pot (approximate amounts).
- Add in vegetables to each pot and taste to see if more salt is needed. Keep addint warm water in small amounts as above-be sure to check closely after adding vegetables and gravy thickens to be sure it does not burn.
- You can tell when the ducks are done by pressing a fork down on the breastbone-if the meat separates from the bone, they are done. The vegetables should cook down to a thick roux. After adding the vegetables, it should take about 1-1/2 to 2 hrs to finish cooking. Serve gravy with rice (the gravy will be piquant, the duck won't taste too warm).
- Dove, pheasant or possibly turkey can also be cooked this way.