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Cost information for the following is not included. Normally this is because the quantity or ingredient is unknown
2 x Low-fat flour tortillas (I make my own with no lard just flour and water)
1/4 c. Minced cilantro Goya Adobo Seasoning with Comino (Green Cap)
1 x Roasted Poblano Chili peeled and sliced in strips Mix of low-fat cheeses grated ie:cheddar, jack, etc.
Ingredients Per Recipe Qty Common Price Price per Recipe
1 x Vegetable Pear (Chayote) peeled and julienned 1 pear
$1.99 per pound
1 x Garlic clove crushed 1 garlic cloves
$4.00 per pound
1/2 x White onion diced 1/2 onion
$0.79 per pound
1 x Finely minced tomato 1 tomatoes
$1.99 per pound
2 x Finely diced Serrano Chilis 2 serrano chilis
$1.99 per pound
1 Tbsp. Olive or possibly canola oil Salt & pepper to taste Mango slices or possibly diced with Lime juice sprinkled over them (optional) 1 tbsp
Total Recipe $1.23
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