Receta Mango no-bake Cheesecake

- Place the yogurt in a cheesecloth lined colander over a container and allow to drain overnight to get half the quantity ( 400 gm or 1 1/2 cups) thick yogurt.
- note*If you ant to skip all this waiting of straining yogurt, then purchase Greek yogurt which is available at Metro in Toronto.
- Also, using the same method strain your watery cottage cheese, otherwise cake becomes soggy. If you're using store bought 'Paneer Cheese' then no straining required.
- Prepare the crust:
- Place all the biscuits in a food processor and crush into crumbs.
- Add in the butter and process the biscuits in a food processor until fine, or until the mixture is properly blended.
- Remove the mixture and press it evenly into the base of an 9â deep round spring form pan or any pan with a removable bottom or a 9â regular round pan.
- Chill in the freezer for 15 minutes or in the refrigerator for half an hour.
- Prepare the filling:
- Soak the agar agar powder in 1 1/2 cups water in a small saucepan on the stove under low flame until it looks transparent. Keep stirring meanwhile
- In a food processor fitted with the metal blade or blender place the strained yogurt and cottage cheese or cottage cheese and process until smooth and creamy. Transfer this to a mixing bowl.
- In a sauce pan, heat the mango puree over a medium flame. Do not allow this to boil.
- In another saucepan place the agar agar and water mixture and stir on low heat until it melts completely, about 5 to 6 minutes. Do not allow this to boil.
- After the agar agar melts completely, pour the hot agar agar solution into the hot mango puree, stirring all the while.
- Slowly add the mango mixture into the yogurt and cheese mixture, stir in the sugar and vanilla extract and beat well with a wire whisk until well blended.
- Pour this mixture over the prepared crust, level with a spoon and chill in the refrigerator for 3 to 4 hours.
- For the Mango topping:
- Use the same method for melting Agar Agar above.
- Place all the ingredients for the glaze in a saucepan and cook over medium heat. When it begins to boil, reduce the flame and cook for 3 to 4 minutes more.
- Mix the mango mixture with the agar agar and let cool until it comes to room temperature and then spread the glaze over the cheesecake with a spoon. Allow the glaze to set over the cheesecake for 2 to 3 hours or more before slicing it. Allow the cheesecake to set for an hour or so before spreading the glaze over it.