Receta Manicures and Nail Polish are Bad Habits
Photo Credit: The New York Times
We've been anti-manicure for a long time at MindfulEats, as evidenced in this post from 2009. Manis and pedis have become common place in the last 15 years, and there is nothing natural about them. We didn't like them for the below obvious common sense reasons, and now we are delighted to be backed up by in-depth reporting from the New York Times.
Nail polishes and solvents often have chemicals like formaldehyde (used to preserve dead things) in them. Just smell the stuff -- if that doesn't tip you off to its contents then I have a bridge I'd like to see you in Brooklyn. Coating yourself in this stuff isn't good for you. If you are a regular mani-pedi girl, have you ever wondered why your…