Receta Maple Nut Ring

- Roll out dough on floured surface to an 18 x 12-inch rectangle. Brush with butter. Combine sugar, nuts and maple flavoring. Sprinkle dough with mix. Starting with 18-inch side, roll jelly-roll fashion; seal edges.
- Place roll on greased cookie sheet; join ends to create a ring. Make cuts across top of ring 1 inch apart, almost to bottom. Pull slices apart, turning one to the inside, next to the outside, so which filling shows.
- Cover; let rise in hot place till doubled, 45 to 60 min. Bake at 3750 for 20 to 25 min, till golden. Spread ring while still hot with Maple Glaze (posted ).
- Filling Variations:Poppy Seed: Combine in saucepan 3/4 c. minced walnuts, 1/3 c. poppy seed, 1/3 c. cream, 1 Tbsp. flour, 2 Tbsp. honey and 2 Tbsp. sugar. Bring to boil over medium heat, stirring constantly.
- Cold.
- Cottage Cheese: Combine in mixing bowl 3/4 c. dry small-curd cottage cheese, 1/4 c. sugar, 1/4 c. raisins, 1 egg yolk, 1 Tbsp. melted butter and 1 Tbsp. grated lemon rind. Blend thoroughly.
- TIP: Any one of the fillings given for Swedish Tea Ring (posted) may be substituted here, if you like.
- include these as I scan. This one had no markings.