Receta Marinated Artichokes

- Carciofi Sott'Olio
- (Marinated Artichoke Hearts)
- Clean the tiny artichokes by removing the thick harder leaves until you arrive at the delicate light green center.
- Slice off the pointy top. Now you have a artichoke heart! Trim away any tough stem on the bottom and around the base of the heart.
- Mix 2 tablespoons of fine sea salt in 1 liter of red wine vinegar. Add the cleaned artichokes to the vinegar and let sit for one or two days, until pickled.
- Drain the artichokes and turn cut side down. Don't do this on a marble table as vinegar will ruin the marble.
- Let sit for a day.
- Place the artichokes into glass jars and cover with olive oil. Push down to release any air bubbles and seal.
- To be sure you won't kill anyone, sterilize the sealed jars in boiling water for 20 minutes.
- Let sit 3 months before serving.