Receta Melanzane Sott'olio
- Remove stems and cut eggplants 1/2-inch thick lengthwise. Toss in bowl with salt to coat and place on a roasting rack over roasting pan. Cover with one layer of cheesecloth and place bricks over. Put in cold place for 12 hrs.
- Remove eggplant from rack and place in large bowl. Add in mint, garlic, acacia flowers, 2 Tbsp. vinegar and toss to coat thoroughly.
- Lay eggplant slices in jar, 1 on top of other till nearly full. Place serranos intermittently between the layers. Press eggplant down into jar with fingers and add in remaining vinegar. Fill jar with extra virgin olive oil and cover. Place in refrigerator. The eggplant are ready to eat but will improve after aging one week. Top off with oil if the level goes below the top of the eggplant. Eat at room temperature as antipasto.