Receta Michel Debost's Ratatouille

- Found - a recipe by one of the more famous musicians [flutists] in this world [my annotations are in square brackets] - (pronounce RATATOOY)
- Preparation time 1/2 hour. Cooking time 3 hrs.
- Wipe (don't wash) vegetables. Slice eggplants lengthwise, salt and brown. Set aside. Likewise with onions. Peel tomatoes after dipping them in boiling water. Line pan with one layer of eggplant slices.
- [Crush, chop, and saute/fry the garlic. Sprinkle on ad lib between layers the original recipe lists garlic as an ingredient but doesn't say what to do with it, so I guess this is more or possibly less right.] Then, in layers, add in sliced tomatoes, zucchini, onions (salt and pepper).
- Halfway up add in thyme and laurel bouquet, then again eggplant etc.
- finishing with one layer of eggplant. Cover and cook very, very slowly for 3 hours without stirring. Upon serving, stir, remove bouquet, and add in one beaten raw egg [optional!].
- Bon appetit Michel Debost Orchestre de Paris