Receta Mini Lemon Flower Tarts
Mini Lemon Flower Tarts~
Make Mom's Day festive with these adorable flower tarts~
I saw these cute tarts on pinterest about a month ago and
They are so darn cute, I just had to make them:)
With only three ingredients, you can't go wrong..
If lemon curd isn't for you,
Fill the cups with pudding and pie filling,
fruit filling or cream cheese.
- You can find the original recipe here: Inspiredreamer
- Mini Lemon Flower Tarts~
- 2- Refrigerated pie crusts, thawed
- 1 jar Lemon curd, (Trader Joe's)
- 1-2 T Powdered sugar
- Optional Toppings~
- Whipped cream
- Candied lemon peel
- Find the recipe here: Candied Lemon Peel
- Lemon flavored chips
- Mini muffin pan
- Flower shaped cookie cutter
- On floured work space
- Unroll pie crusts
- With floured rolling pin
- Roll out each pie crust dough
Cut out as many flowers as possible
Re-roll scrapes and cut more flowers, if needed
Cut out 24 flower shapes
Makes 24
Center each flower over a mini muffin depression
Fold alternate petals inward
Gently push the dough down into the bottom
Gently push the outer petals against the muffin pan sides
Then push the inner 3 petals against the sides and outer 3 petals
Prick each bottom of shells with fork twice
Bake at 425º for 5-7 minutes
Remove shells to wire rack to cool
When shells are completely cool
Dust "petals" with powdered sugar
Fill each shell with lemon curd
Top with whipped cream and
Garnish with candied lemon peel or
Other garnishes if desired.
*Keep a close eye on flowers while baking*
*Keeping oven door ajar if necessary*
*Check after 5 minutes*
*Some flowers will brown faster than others*
*Remove those to wire rack to cool while the
*rest are baking*
*Bake remaining flowers 2-3 minutes longer*
Until Next Time....