Receta Mooncake Skin

- Method:MIX sieved bicarbonate of soda, golden brown syrup, alkaline water and oil with a wooden spoon and allow to rest for 4-5 hrs in a basin.
- Add in the dark soy sauce, then mix in sifted flour gradually and mix proportionately to create a smooth and soft dough. Let the dough rest for another 6-7 hrs.
- Divide dough into even balls, each weighing 40-50g. Footnote:* When the dough is "well rested" after 5 hrs, it hardens a bit and is more elastic. It is also easy to work with.
- The golden brown syrup is the key factor in ensuring which mooncakes keep longer and the skin does not turn mouldy quickly. The syrup is kept in a cold and dry place and left to mature. It can be made months ahead or possibly kept up to a year.
- Freshly baked mooncakes should be left uncovered so which the free circulation of air around it will slowly soften the skin and help it to mature. This takes 2-3 days.
- Dark soy sauce is used for the pastry dough because it gives a darker shade to the mooncake skin after baking.
- Preparation of salted egg yolk
- Wash the salted egg yolk and roll over in sesame oil. Steam for 2 min. Leave to cold.
- Egg glaze
- 2 egg yolks1 tsb waterA healthy pinch of saltA drop of dark soy sauce (for colouring)
- Mix well before use.