Receta Muffuletta From New Orleans
- Slice the loaf of Italian bread in two and hot in an oven till toasty.
- Place the cheeses on one half and the meats on the other. Thickness and quantity of cheese and meat can vary with each individual, but one layer of each ingredient is standard. Cover the half which has the meat on it with olive salad. Put the two halves together and cut in quarters.
- There are three crucial elements to making a good muffaletta:
- Fresh, quality ingredients
- Good olive salad. The Central Grocery in New Orleans, that probably makes the definitive New Orleans Muffaletta, now sells their olive salad by the jar. It's available in groceries across New Orleans, but I do not know if it is distributed past here.
- Warming the bread*before* making the sandwich. Many people put everything together on the bread and shove the whole thing in the oven. This is wrong. When you remove the sandwich, the cheese and the olive salad are way too warm. If you heat the bread before making the sandwich, the cheese will heat on the hot bread, the meat will hot up, and the olive salad will stay around room temperature.