Receta MYF - Debra Gibson-Welch
I've been travelling hence this 2-day late posting of MY FOOD.
The response to MY FOOD has been excellent and I am considering weekly rather than by-weekly posts. Will let you know what I decide.
Debra Gibson-Welch is a successful marketing and merchandising professional. You can read more about her profession here but today, she is sharing her food with us. Welcome Debra!
MF: Debra, you are originally from Guyana, where do you live now?
DGW: Atlanta, GA
MF: How long have you been living abroad?
DGW: 25 years
MF: How do you self-identify?
DGW: Guyanese
MF: What dish or dishes would you say identifies you as Guyanese?
DGW: Guyanese Pepperpot because it is the only dish in the…