Receta No-bake Chocolate and Coconut Cookies (Cow Patties)
Ah, the semi-annual office bake sale. It can be kinda sad in my office, actually. Nowadays, many people just buy something from a grocery store bakery – I think that defeats the purpose. There's something special about home made baked goods, even if they don't belong on the front cover of Martha Stewart's magazine. They still taste good!
My colleague Kasandra brought these great no-bake chocolate oatmeal cookies that are essentially brown blobs plopped onto waxed paper (I'm guessing their name – cow patties – comes from the plopping process ;-).
She thankfully allowed me to share the recipe.
No-bake Chocolate and Coconut Cookies (Cow Patties)
- 1/2 cup of margarine
- 1/2 cup of milk
- 2 cups white sugar
- pinch salt
- 1 tsp vanilla
- 1/2 cup cocoa
- 1 package (8oz) shredded coconut
- 3 cups quick oatmeal
Combine margerine, milk, sugar, salt, vanilla, and cocoa in a large pot.
Bring to a boil, stirring constantly.
Remove from heat and stir in coconut and oatmeal.
Drop by teaspoonfuls onto waxed paper or foil and let cool.
Refrigerate in a sealed container until ready to serve.
(recipe courtesy of Kasandra Mathieu)
Recipes by the Haggis and the Herring: tasty world recipes tested in our kitchen