Receta No Recipe but Tips
No recipe today but a couple of quick tips to pass along.
1. For those of you who end up buying spices for one recipe, never use them again, and end up with a cupboard full of stale spices... and who live in the UK (sorry!)... my mum brought some Schwartz spice packs with her on her most recent visit. Each one is a sachet of spices and herbs, just enough to serve 4 for a specific recipe. They're great. We had Mexican Chili Chicken last night and Cajun Chicken last week. Tonight I'm going to try the Spicy Meatball mix. Highly recommended.
2. Why oh why did I never think of freezing tomato puree before? I'd always buy one of those little tins, need all of a tablespoon and the rest would go off before I could use it. Now I scoop it into an icecube tray. Each cube is about 1 tbs so just pop what you need into a recipe and you're ready to go. Saves time and waste.