Receta NoGii, No Elisabeth?
First, an update!
Sorry to leave you guys hanging on the ol’ ganglion cyst post. SO my doctor has ordered a week of strict rest, which means that I get to wear this cool wrist splint for a week:
Rockin’ it!
Obviously I look super dope but honestly it’s really helping. I’m also on some anti-inflammatory meds for two weeks and that seems to help too. Sleeping in the splint is not comfortable, but I’m getting used to it. It’s also made painting the store a challenge, but manageable.
Hopefully this works long term and I can be back to my normal self, wrist-pain free!
Now, onto something more…controversial?
Last week I posted this picture on my Instagram and Twitter of a new to me protein bar, the NoGii bar :
Apparently, people no likey the Elisabeth Hasselbeck?!
I’ll admit my own smile goes a little sour grapes when I think about her, but that’s because she referred to Celiac Disease as an allergy…
and it ain’t an allergy y’all!
Can I tell you that I LOVED her on Survivor?
But that’s when she was just a wide-eyed, totally ripped shoe designer. And YES, I totally had a girl crush. Look at those abs people?!
Maybe people don’t like her because of what she says on The View? Having never watched the show**, I can’t comment on that either way.
**If I’m home during the morning and watching TV, it’s usually a mini-marathon of The Office, Parks and Rec, or 30 Rock on Netflix.
But I can comment on the NoGii bar. First things first:
This is not your average protein bar! Mine cost $3.49 at Harris Teeter. No jokes.
Holy crap. It is so good. Almost too good. (Like I wanted to eat another one right away)
20 grams of protein. 2 grams of fiber. 230 calories. Not too shabby
It’s processed in a facility that processes wheat.
Say what now?
BUT the package claims they are very strict and guarantee a clean production line segregation of ingredients.
All together now:
GHM Review of NoGii gluten free protein bar:
1. Expensive
2. Delicious
3. Impressive Nutritional Stats
4. Manufactured in a facility that processes wheat but on claimed “safe” lines
Overall: LOVE it. Have bought more. Will buy again.
So what do you think? Love her? Leave her?
Have you tried the bar?