Receta Nuts, Butts, and UBER Everything
One of the hardest things about going gluten free for me was the HUNGER. I was literally starving all the time!
And after two mini melt downs on road trips where I felt as though there was NOTHING I could eat anywhere…I wised up and starting carrying a food bar. Seriously you guys, this was necessary; I am not a pretty crier.
No. Not all food bars are gluten free. No. Not all food bars are snacks. So when I find one that fits both of those categories I am STOKED!
Now this may shock you…but over the past few months I have fallen off the LARABAR bandwagon. I still love their company and think they are awesome, but the texture of the traditional bar with dates just hasn’t been doing it for me. It’s too sweet and too gummy. I want something crunchy!
So was I ever excited to get these in the mail:
Think: less dates, more nuts!
I told you that I love the LARABAR folks, and I was tickled pink when I was home this past weekend and opened up the mail to find these little babies.
Yes I had them for four days and have already eaten them all and went to Whole Foods and restocked. I have no shame. It’s sweet and salty – you do the math!
Surprisingly, Roasted Nut Roll (not roasted nut balls or roasted butt balls but you’re welcome for getting that stuck in your brain) is my favorite!
Calorie wise, it is on a higher end for bars: 220 calories but as my ONE snack of the day it’s cool. I’ve also eaten one as my breakfast with a banana. Protein: 5 grams y’all! Nuts be packin’ it in.
So what about you?
Have you seen these bars? Tried them? Do you hate me for falling off the traditional bar bandwagon?
ALSO did you enter into the GIVEAWAY yet? Ummm….it’s pretty awesome
Of course I come back to Wilmington and we’re having a tropical storm float on by. Well, I guess not really float as much as BLOW through and DUMP rain. Know what’s perfect for running from class to class? high winds and torrential downpours….
But I’m looking on the bright side and using this as an excuse to wear grubby clothes to class. Old, crazy, gluten free, bag lady stereotypes be damned. I’m slummin’ it!