Receta Orange Cream Cheese Danish with IKEA Lingonberry Preserves for a Super (Bowl) Breakfast
I am showing Bronco fervor all week…really can you blame me? We might have been to a couple of Super Bowls and won a couple too but it’s been awhile and the city is on fire for our team. They would have to be…legions are wearing orange and blue including me and I just hate that color orange! Luckily orange is a great flavor for this Danish and the Lingonberry Preserves I just picked up from IKEA were a great accompaniment. Although this is certainly a sweet breakfast treat, the orange combined with the mildly tart Lingonberry resulted in a ‘not too sweet but just right’ dish to serve for breakfast with coffee or for hungrier eaters, a fried egg and some bacon on the side. Yeah, that might even be me!
Just one sign of Broncos fever? The City and County Building of Denver, normally only lit up with holiday lights has been transformed; so have signs all over the city as a matter of fact. We take this stuff seriously; if you’re in Denver, heck I would say all of Colorado and you don’t know the Broncos are going to the Super Bowl you must be locked up in that maximum security penitentiary somewhere in the middle of the state. Even the football haters KNOW it’s happening (no Karen, I’m not talking about you…OK maybe I am!).
I can’t take credit for this easy breakfast dish. It’s all Pillsbury’s doing. I might have changed up the flavors a bit but long ago I saw them using Crescent Rolls on their site to make a quick Danish and I was hooked. Although growing up; in our family this would have been called a Stollen; it’s a German thing. I remember my Dad would stop by the bakery every Sunday after church and get one Stollen and one Gooey Butter Cake (I have GOT to make that don’t I? It is so not a cake mix if you’ve been misinformed). Six kids meant we needed more than one and I loved both; we all did. Most special was getting to choose which flavor. I’ve always been a cream cheese filled anything. Danish, croissants, Stollen and this. Adding a bit of a fruit touch is just icing on the Danish! Which is then iced. Why Lingonberry Preserves. Simple as making only my second trek to IKEA last week; I had to buy SOMETHING! Use whatever you have that is a bit tart; I would go with raspberry or strawberry preserves in an instant.
I’ve been in my new home for four weeks now; you would think I would be put together and stuff would be progressing somewhat normally. You would be so wrong. I did get my kitchen pretty much in order although I’m still missing a few things but I got tired of opening boxes so I’m on strike for a few days. I can not find a dryer vent hose to match the shape of what the builder put in and that exercise has wasted HOURS. It’s not like I’m alone; there are millions of Richmond homes all over; someone MUST have a vent hose that will work with an oval fixture right? I have also yet to find my stupid gray card that I rely on for white balance; very annoying. I got a better snap of this Danish with my phone and was done with it! I have SO much light coming in the kitchen sliding door on the left in the photo above that I have to get something to filter it before I can take good photos in this space. I want to put a light fixture in my studio with photo light bulbs so I can work when I missed the sun or on cloudier days like today and I’ve not even ordered the bulbs yet!
Maybe some of the delay in getting everything done could be blamed on a cat? This little guy used to belong to my daughter Emily but she found him a new home when it became apparent after YEARS that he would never get used to her dog. The poor guy spent his life under a bed or only coming out when Ginny her Corgi was gone. That was unfair and months ago she thought she found a family who wanted him. Whew. She moved to North Carolina in December and the women changed her mind a few weeks ago; she was moving and couldn’t take him. First reaction? WHAT??? She just expected Em to take him back? So guess where he has landed? He is sweet as can be and I would love to show you just how pretty he is but so far he just scoots out from under a table for seconds or else ventures out under cover of darkness; this was the best I could do but he has a sweet disposition going for him and I’m seeing positive results to being patient and attentive. Maybe next year I’ll see him during daylight hours.
Anyway…wasn’t this about the Broncos or at least about a Danish to serve on Broncos Day? OK, maybe they are not celebrating Broncos Day all across the country but for fanatics folks in my town; I suggest this as the perfect start for Sunday; you could even put some blueberries on the side if blue is absolutely necessary. I wish I had more photos but I just know it will get better once I get that stupid dryer vent thing figured out! I am so tired of crispy clothes that have to be hung over the shower to dry!
After another Broncos inspired cocktail this Friday I’ll quit with the Broncomania but I hope you don’t mind if I don’t promise to stay away from the orange theme for a bit. Next week I’m sharing the salad that was the winner of the National Beef Cookoff that I judged a few months ago. It has oranges and it was held in Denver but it has no connection to either blue and orange or a certain football team. Promise.
Orange Cream Cheese Danish with Preserves
- 1 3 oz package of cream cheese
- 2 Tbsp brown sugar
- 1 tsp orange juice
- 1 can (8 oz) Pillsbury® refrigerated crescent dinner rolls or 1 can (8 oz) Pillsbury® Crescent Recipe Creations® refrigerated seamless dough sheet
- 4 Tbsp Jam - Lingonberry or Raspberry
- 1/2 cup powdered sugar
- 1 tsp orange juice
- 1 tsp vanilla
Heat oven to 375°F. In small bowl, beat cream cheese and brown sugar with electric mixer on medium speed until light and fluffy. Stir in orange juice; mix well and set aside.
If using crescent rolls: Unroll dough onto cookie sheet; press into 13x7-inch rectangle, firmly pressing perforations to seal. If using dough sheet: Unroll dough onto cookie sheet; press into 13x7-inch rectangle.
Spoon cream cheese mixture lengthwise down center 1/3 of rectangle. Top cream cheese with jam and spread it to cover cream cheese.
On each long side of dough rectangle, make angled cuts 1 inch apart to edge of filling. Fold opposite strips of dough over filling and cross in center to form a braided appearance; seal ends.
Bake 18 to 22 minutes or until golden brown. Remove from cookie sheet to cooling rack. Cool completely, about 30 minutes.
In small bowl, mix powdered sugar, orange juice and vanilla until smooth; drizzle over coffee cake.
Cover and refrigerate any remaining coffee cake.
This recipe brought to you by Creative Culinary | A Food and Cocktail Blog | Website:
Thanks to Chad Warriner, Traffic/Weather Reporter & Senior Producer at Clear Channel Communications, Inc.,
for the photos of the City and County Building and those Super Bowl Tickets!
(no I don’t wish they were mine; I much prefer the warmth of my home to the bitter cold of a stadium).